A Sacred Act of Grace, Community, and New Life

In the United Methodist tradition, baptism marks the beginning of our lifelong journey as disciples of Jesus Christ. It is an act of God’s grace, welcoming us into the family of God and uniting us with the whole body of Christ, both globally and within our local congregation. Baptism signifies God's claim on us, offering forgiveness and new life in Christ.

We baptize individuals of any age—infants, children, and adults—using immersion, pouring, or sprinkling. Regardless of the method, baptism is a one-time sacrament, symbolizing God’s eternal love and faithfulness. As a community, we promise to nurture the baptized in faith, supporting them on their journey of growth in Christ. Through baptism, we are invited to live out our calling as part of the body of Christ, committed to growing in faith and serving others.

A Journey in Faith and Community

The Christian faith was never meant to be a solo journey. From the beginning, followers of Jesus have come together for teaching, prayer, and fellowship (Acts 2:42). At Leander UMC, we see membership as a commitment to live as part of the body of Christ, rooted in the transformative waters of baptism.

Membership in the United Methodist Church involves actively participating in the life of our congregation through prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. It’s a journey of faith where we grow in love for God, deepen our understanding of scripture, and work together to love and serve our neighbors.

As part of this community, we hold one another accountable, celebrate together, and share in Christ’s presence through worship and fellowship. Membership is more than belonging—it’s a commitment to live out your faith in community and to grow in grace alongside others.

Have questions? Contact our pastor or explore our FAQ section to learn more about joining our church family!

I'm interested!
If you'd like to become a member or be baptized at Leander UMC, let us know!

Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions.

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